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网址:www.kaisuon.oy56.cn  2022-11-22  作者:admin    阅读:

Several car anti-theft systems:
1、 Speed lock
The speed lock is installed at the shift lever position, so that the vehicle cannot change gears. After parking, push the shift lever into neutral or reverse gear and lock it. The thief cannot operate the car normally.
2、 Special anti-theft locking device
Mainly anti-theft of car accessories. For example, anti-theft devices must be installed on the car tires, spare tires, car trunk and other parts. Special anti-theft locking device, simple and reliable, such as anti prying door lock, special lock nut, etc., is very practical. In order to make the car safe, the anti-theft device should be used comprehensively. In addition, we must go to the professional installation shop to install the anti-theft system, so as to avoid the loss of inferior products and non-standard installation.
3、 Anti theft combination lock
也称防盗加固器,是一家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅  保定水处理设备 河北机械加工 北京电动门  保定养老院  保定防水种特制防撬弯柄锁,两端带有弯头的钢制环形装置,停车后用它把方向盘与离合器、制动踏板联锁在一起,即使窃贼进入车内,启动引擎,坚固的联合锁使汽车只能原地空转,不能起步。
Also known as anti-theft reinforcement device, it is a special anti-skid bent handle lock with steel ring device with elbows at both ends. After parking, it is used to interlock the steering wheel with clutch and brake pedal. Even if the thief enters the car, start the engine, and the strong combination lock makes the car only idle in place, not start.

