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网址:www.kaisuon.oy56.cn  2022-11-02  作者:admin    阅读:

The first is the preparation of various unlocking tools. When unlocking, tools of different sizes and specifications are required for locks of different models. Only the more complete the tools are, can the lock be opened without damaging the function of the lock, so that the lock can become a more efficient and useful art.
In addition to unlocking tools, if you want to learn to unlock, it is also very necessary to prepare some commonly used locks, because generally speaking, the types of door locks used in families are the same, and this type of lock is mainly opened in unlocking, so you should prepare some relevant locks in advance for practice.
另外还需要大家准备的,就是一些有关于锁具以及开锁方面的资料了,因为开锁并不纯粹只是拿个工具去捅一下的事,而是需要了解缆接地箱 隔离墩模具 保定电动门 铜狮子 u型槽模具 SMT贴片焊接 收费岛模具 水泥井模具整个锁具的结构、开锁闭合的原理等等,才能够使用正确的方式,非暴力地打开锁,所以了解相应的资料也是非常重要的。
In addition, we also need to prepare some information about locks and unlocking, because unlocking is not just a matter of stabbing with a tool, but needs to understand the structure of the whole lock, the principle of unlocking and closing, etc. in order to use the correct method and unlock non violently, so it is also very important to understand the corresponding informatio

