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网址:www.kaisuon.oy56.cn  2021-12-09  作者:admin    阅读:

Structure of lock cylinder
其次,在圆形的锁心上钻有几个小洞孔,再在与锁心小洞孔相应处的锁身位置也钻上相同数目且口径大小一样的小洞孔。小洞孔的作用是用来装弹子和弹簧假山制作 不锈钢铸件 铝箔真空袋 七孔梅花管 hdpe硅芯管 液压钢坝 PVC软管 飞行激光打标机 沥青保温泵。(锁身上的小洞孔是用来装弹子和弹簧的,而锁心上的洞孔称之为弹子)。通常,我们把锁身和锁心上的小洞孔称之为弹子孔。那么,弹子的作用是用来卡住锁心,使锁心不能随便转动的。因此,无论锁身的外型及锁身内的机关如何的不相同,但对于开锁原理发挥着主要作用的是锁心,弹子和弹簧。
Secondly, several small holes are drilled on the circular lock core, and the same number of small holes with the same diameter are drilled on the lock body position corresponding to the small hole in the lock core. Small holes are used to hold bullets and springs. (the small holes in the lock body are used to hold bullets and springs, and the holes in the lock core are called bullets.). Usually, we call the small holes in the lock body and the lock core as bullet holes. Then, the function of the marbles is to block the lock center, so that the lock center can't rotate freely. Therefore, no matter how different the shape of the lock body and the mechanism inside the lock body are, but the main function for the unlocking principle is the lock core, the spring and the spring

