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网址:www.kaisuon.oy56.cn  2021-06-18  作者:admin    阅读:

Key points of waterproof roll paving construction:
(1) The construction of membrane waterproof layer shall be carried out after the completion of masonry, installation equipment, pipeline, etc.
(2) When paving high and low span houses, it shall be carried out in the order of high first, low second, far first, and near second.
(3) When a single span is paved, the parts with concentrated drainage (such as the gutter, cornice, inclined ditch, gutter, etc.) shall be paved first, and the coiled material of the slope and the facade shall be paved from the bottom to the top according to the elevation, so that the coiled material can be overlapped according to the water flow direction.
(4) When the coiled material is laid parallel to the roof ridge, the long side lap joint shall not be less than 70mm, the short side lap joint shall not be less than 150 mm, and the short side lap joint of the adjacent two sheets of coiled material shall not be less than 500 mm staggered. In order to ensure the lap width of the coiled material and the straight laying, the marking line shall be snapped when the coiled material is laid.
(5) For the arch roof with a slope of more than 25% and the slope under the skylight, the short side overlapping shall be avoided as far as possible.
(6) The leveling layer shall be dry before paving the coiled material. The general method of field test is to cover 1m2 coiled material from evening to the next morning or within 1-2h of sunny day. If there is no condensation on the inner side of the coiled material, it is considered that the leveling layer is basically dry.

