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网址:www.kaisuon.oy56.cn  2021-01-09  作者:admin    阅读:

Technical index of lock cylinder
根据我国《机械 防盗锁》的相关规定,机械防盗锁芯的主要技术指标 ,到目前为止,我国关于锁芯的国家标准仅限于A级和B级两种,超B级是锁具生产企业自己提出的企业标准。
According to the relevant provisions of China's "mechanical anti-theft lock", the main technical indicators of the mechanical anti-theft lock cylinder, so far, the national standards on the lock cylinder in China are only limited to class A and class B, and exceeding class B is the enterprise standard proposed by the lock manufacturer itself.
1、防技术开启时间:A级锁芯大于 1min(但小于或等于5分钟);B级锁芯大于 5min;远远大于5分钟,提出超B级锁芯标准的厂家经公安部检测远远大于5分钟,有的超过了 260min
1. Opening time of anti Technology: class a lock cylinder is more than 1min (but less than or equal to 5min); class B lock cylinder is more than 5min; far more than 5min; the manufacturer who puts forward the standard of super class B lock cylinder is more than 5min, some of which are more than 260min after being tested by the Ministry of public security
2、互开率: A级≤0.03%;B级 ≤0.01% :超B级≤0.0004%
2、 Mutual opening rate: class a ≤ 0.03%; class B ≤ 0.01%; super class B ≤ 0.0004%
3、 密匙量:A级: 弹子锁的密匙量应不少于6x10 4种,磁弹子锁、 叶片锁、杠杆锁的密匙量应不少于2.5x10 4种,差异交换数为一个;机械密码锁的理论密匙量应不少于1x10 6种;B级:弹子锁的密匙量应不少于3x10 4种,磁弹子锁、叶片锁、杠杆锁的密匙量应不少于1x10 4种,差异交换数为两个;机械密码锁的理论密匙量应不少于6x10 7种,实际可变换的密匙量应不小于理论密匙量的60%。
3. Key quantity: Class A: the key quantity of the bullet lock shall be no less than 6x104, the key quantity of the magnetic bullet lock, the blade lock and the lever lock shall be no less than 2.5x10, and the difference exchange number shall be one; the theoretical key quantity of the mechanical password lock shall be no less than 1x106; class B: the key quantity of the bullet lock shall be no less than 3x10, and the key quantity of the magnetic bullet lock, the blade lock and the lever lock shall be no less than 1x10 There are four kinds of keys, and the number of differential exchanges is two; the theoretical key amount of mechanical password lock should not be less than 6x107 kinds, and the actual convertible key amount should not be less than 60% of the theoretical key amount.

